The Widow’s Pantry is a 501(c)3 organization that has been providing food, seasonal clothing and spiritual encouragement to the homeless, unemployed and underemployed at Franklin Square Park on second Saturday’s since 2009. We recently started providing our services at the Marvin Gaye Park in Northeast Washington. The founder of this organization was a struggling single parent, who was not eligible for any government assistance. She believes that everyone needs a little help from time to time.
This organization is 100% volunteer driven including all the resources to accomplish our goals. No one in this organization receives a salary. Volunteers give out of the kindness of their heart and some from their own underemployment.
The Widow’s Pantry is in desperate need of a cargo van to transport tables, tents, chairs, generators, food, and clothes to the park on our serving days. Currently volunteers use their personal vehicles to transport our needed resources to the parks.
To ensure we meet our goal in being consistent in serving every month The Widow’s Pantry needs a cargo van for the sole purpose of transporting resources to serve the homeless and picking up donated food and clothes items. With a cargo van for the organization we will not have to depend on personal vehicles and will be able to load and transport using our own means of transportation.
It will be a wonderful consolation to know we will not have to depend solely on others to do this very important task of transporting our resources. Please click on https://www.gofundme.com/wheels-for-the-homeless to donate. Any amount you give is appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your generosity and kindness.